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Bottle Copies Bottle Copies
Bottle Copies :: Toxins & Substances :: Allergens :: Allergens Set (49 bottles)

Allergens Set (49 bottles)

Allergens Set (49 bottles)
Weight  2.115 kg
RRP  €306.25
Our price    €245.00 incl. VAT 0%
Discount    20%

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This set contains all 49 bottles from the allergens category at a 20% discounted price. To purchase individual bottles from this set, for plate zapping, homeography or syncrometer testing purposes, please use the "individual bottle" lists provided.

01. Acetaldehyde 26. Limonene
02. Acetyl-choline chloride (ACC) 27. Linoleic oil
03. Allyl methyl sulfide 28. Linolenic oil
04. APIOL 29. Malvin
05. ASA 30. Mannan
06. Asparagine 31. Melanin
07. Caffeic acid 32. Menadione
08. Caseins 33. Myristic oil
09. Chlorogenic acid 34. Oats
10. Cholesterol 35. Oleic acid oil
11. Choline 36. Onion
12. Cinnamic acid 37. Palmitic acid
13. Coumarin 38. Phenylalanine
14. D-carnitine 39. Phloridzin
15. D-mannitol 40.  Pinene
16. Epinephrine 41. PIT
17. Eugenol 42. Potato
18. Formic acid 43. Pyrrole
19. Gallic acid 44. Quercitin
20. Gluten 45. Shrimp
21. HGH 46. Tyramine
22. Hippuric acid 47. Tyrosine
23. Lactose 48. Umbelliferone
24. Lauric acid 49. Uric acid
25. L-DOPA