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Bottle Copies Bottle Copies
Bottle Copies :: Remedies :: Herbs :: Herbal Remedies Set (88 bottles)

Herbal Remedies Set (88 bottles)

Herbal Remedies Set (88 bottles)
Weight  4.048 kg
RRP  €550.00
Our price    €440.00 incl. VAT 0%
Discount    20%

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This set contains all 88 bottles from the herbal remedies category at a 20% discounted price. To purchase individual bottles from this set, for plate zapping, homeography or syncrometer testing purposes, please use the "individual bottle" lists provided.

01. Anise Oil 45. Hydrangea root
02. Anise seed 46. Juniper oil
03. Apricot kernel (fresh) 47. Kidney Cleanse
04. Barley Water 48. Liquorice root
05. Basil oil 49. Liver tea
06. Birch bark tea 50. Marshmallow root
07. Black Cherry Concentrate 51. Milk Thistle
08. Black Walnut Hull tincture (Green) 52. Mixed nuts (coconut, Brazil, hazel)
09. Boneset tea 53. Molasses
10. Burdock 54. Mullein
11. Buski Bait 55. Myrrh oil
12. Cardamom 56. Nopal cactus
13. Cardamom oil 57. Nutmeg
14. Catnip 58. Olive leaf
15. Cayenne pepper 59. Oregano leaf
16. Chamomile oil 60. Oregano oil
17. Chaparral (Larrea divaricata) 61. Oregon Grape Root
18. Chrysanthemum 62. Oscillococcinum
19. Clary Sage oil 63. Ozonated olive oil
20. Cleavers Herb 64. Parasite Punch
21. Cloves 65. Parsley
22. Comfrey leaf 66. Pau d’Arco tea
23. Coriander (Cilantro) leaf 67. Peppermint leaf
24. Coriander oil 68. Peppermint oil
25. Coriander seed 69. Periwinkle
26. Cumin 70. Pomegranate
27. Detox Tea 71. Quassia
28. Echinacea purpurea 72. Reishi mushroom
29. Eclampane 73. Rose Hips
30. Elder leaf tea 74. Sage oil
31. Epazote 75. Sheep Sorrel
32. Eucalyptus tea 76. Shiitake mushroom
33. Fennel 77. Skullcap
34. Fennel enema 78. Slippery Elm
35. Fennel seed 79. Turmeric
36. Frankincense oil 80. Turmeric enema
37. Fresh Apricot seeds 81. Uva ursi
38. Garlic extract 82. Watercress
39. Ginger 83. White oak bark
40. Ginkgo 84. White thyme
41. Ginseng 85. Wild lettuce
42. Golden Rod tincture 86. Wild Yam Root
43. Gravel Root 87. Wintergreen oil
44. Horseradish 88. Wormwood